Alex graduated from Loughborough University last year with a degree in Illustration and animation. Since graduating Alex has been preparing for her Masters degree in Illustration, which will commence this September at Camberwell College of Arts, London. She has also been involved in many exhibitions and competitions including ‘Young Creative Network’ and ‘Creative Review’. These lead to her pieces being presented at the London ‘Vinyl Gallery’ January 2008 and a personal, local exhibition with two contemporaries in February 2008 at the Arts Organisation, Nottingham. She is also due to exhibit new work at Sainsbury’s Arts Centre, Norwich later this summer. Alex is a versatile illustrator focusing on design, texture and communication. She likes to invite participation, often by provoking thought or a strong aesthetic. She has a mixed media approach, with interests in mark making and printing. Alex enjoys studying all aspects of visual culture, from film and fine art to textiles and illustration and utilises these influences in her work; she is keen to explore and expand her visual language even more and intends to study alternative communication researching new avenues of visual communication on her Masters course.
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